Pastor John and Jeaneen Dare are located in Cleveland Heights. They are in transition as they seek God’s heart in developing locations for inner city gatherings. Read John Dare's Bio
As ministry forerunners, their passionate response is to beckon others to “Come, sit at the table and eat”. Eat of the Bread of His Presence! Be draw into intimate encounter that comes only through fellowship and the breaking of bread at the communion table. Then as an organic extension of this relationship, we become compelled to go into the highways and byways seeking those who are thirsty and those who are hungry and those who are weary from carrying the weight of everyday life. Bread of His Presence
As ministry intercessors, Pastor John and Jeaneen Dare encourage others to “P.U.S.H.” — “Pray Until Something Happens”. We touch the heart of God through our fervent prayers, knowing that as we persist and hold fast, the answer is already on the way. Become part of this intercessory prayer team and P.U.S.H. Ohio by Prayer!